Robin User Experience: A/B Testing

Usability Testing • 2020-2021 • Role: UX Researcher / Research Lead


A/B testing is often used as a randomized way to understand user engagement and satisfaction for a new product. At Expper Technologies, A/B testing is essential for optimizing our product and over the past year we have conducted rigorous A/B tests in order to curate our product to a wide variety of users. This in term has as turnover rate of one test per week for the 2020-2021 year.

Goal: To efficiently further developments of our product based on user input

My Team

My research team is comprised of six developmental psychologists that work with me and the tech team to curate conversations for our social robot. Within that team, four of the psychologists live and work in Armenia, creating content for children in medical settings. Myself and my coworkers work on the content for locations based in the USA.

Goal Setting

For the past year, my team and I have been launching different A/B tests our product to see what content is most relatable to kids both in Armenia and in the United States. Each week we select new content backed by previous research and test the content to see what creates more positive reviews. We then compare our results to each other and select the content that polled the best within our research.


Here is a mock example of how the data would be presented to our research team in comparisons of user reactions to our stimuli (features).

The stimuli is shown to both groups and analyzed appropriately. The stimuli with the most positive responses is implemented as a feature.

With our work, we have been able to implement over 300 new design features that sold multiple units and caught the eye of several investors. In my opinion, our A/B testing is an efficient and fast process that can yield highly beneficial results.

Further Developments

A/B testing at Expper technologies is imperative development of our product. Without user feedback and reactions, we cannot truly understand if our product will be successful on a mass market basis. With an everchanging market, it is important to keep your product up to date. The current steps that we take to keep up with the demand shift is to consistently re-evaluate the content we do have and update our product as necessary.  

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